Monday, June 3, 2013

God isn't subject to what we think

I don't understand Christians who say they don't take the Bible seriously. That's like saying on one hand that you do believe and on the other you don't. For the entire Christian message is from the Bible. The gospel is not the gospel without the Bible. Jesus dying for your sins is not an idea that can exist without the Bible. Where else would you get such an idea?

No story in the history of man has ever brought for such a fantastic idea as this... That We all have betrayed the great king, are guilty of treason and each of us are deserving of death. But, the King offers another way... He laid the punishment, that the we traitors rightly deserve, onto His Son. And by so doing, offering a full pardon to all who bend their knee to His now resurrected Son. As if forgiveness wasnt enough, He offers adoption to the traitor. Some will gladly embrace this great offer, and partake in a rich inheritance as a Son or Daughter of the Great King. Yet, others remain traitorous and rebellious to the very end. Unwilling to ever acknowledge their rightful King.

So why accept this extravagant story, and claim it for yourself, when you refuse a place at the table of truth for the other doctrines of the bible? Could it be that the parts we reject are merely the ones we don't personally like, that we are trying to make God subject to what we think? And if we are only following what personally appeals to us, how is it that we can claim to be Christian? The call of Christ is "Come and die". Does that sound like there is a lot of room for personal opinion? But then again that's probably another part of the bible that is denied.