Friday, December 16, 2016

With Us

Emmanuel, The King of Glory born.
The hope of sinners and of scoffers scorn.

Eternal God, entered into time.
Helpless babe, almighty God, divine.

With us, sons of man with the only Holy Son,
To feel all we have felt and yet overcome.

He came not to conquer, nor demand...
But, to purchase children with open hands.

Emmanuel, how could it be,
Ransom paid, though wretched is me?

Nothing could be offered from our lips,
No praise, no work, no gift...
To adequately tell of your magnificence.

With us, though we most deserved of wrath.
All of us poor and needy, from the first to the last.

Vitality and Joy abound in newness, before unknown,
As our delight declares you are glorious alone.

Emmanuel, come near to a people so far away.
Giver of new hearts that be made to stay.

God, with us! And we bring nothing to the King...
Save our sin to carry to Calvary's suffering.

Yet, presents He brings... Christ's righteousness,
adoption and inheritance. Oh, what bliss!

Come, all you peoples, behold heaven's gift!
Christmas, Christ with us, don't miss this.

Fellow sinner, do not refuse His kiss!
Love Him, trust Him and receive His fullness!

All you saints, praise your matchless King!
Glory to our God! Join in as all Heaven sings!

Friday, November 18, 2016

He meets with me

He meets with me in the quietness of the night,
And even in the tumult of the day.
Though my troubles be many, and companion leave,
His sweet Words of promise speak along the way.

He meets with me when I feel abandoned,
And courage melts away within my chest.
It's then His love pours endlessly upon me,
Sweet heavenly treasure, my God matchless.

He meets with me, and only by His blood,
Wretched me could never love Holy Him.
I would spit & fight against Him still,
Yet He won me through redeeming love.

He meets with me, before new day births...
Vitality flees and lung's labor cease.
His warm embrace is here again, as eternity dawns.
Oh, how sweet He is amidst this disease.

A day is coming, and coming soon...
The meeting will know pause no more,
An ocean of endless life will break forth,
And waves of Godly pleasure break upon the shore.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Sweet Gift of God

Gift of God, 
Instrument of His Grace.
Wife of mine, 
Mercy upon her face.

Her true beauty runs deep within,  
Only to be truly known
In this one-flesh union, 
forged in heaven’s shadow.

God has knit my soul to hers,
And hers to mine,
Never more the two,
We are one, for this time.

Through life and death,
Through joy and pain.
When the storm comes,
She shines through the rain.

She is my helper,
For help I truly need.
Weary, I stumble and fall.
She picks me up, off my knees.

Her sweet spirit
Warms our home.
Her patient endurance
Makes this family whole.

Few men will ever know
Such a gift as i have enjoyed.
Wife of beauty and grace,
She is more than I could ever deserve.

So sweet a maker,
To give the gift of divine love,
Even sweeter still,
To give the gift of you.